Defuzion | #WebsitesChingonas

Defuzion is a website CMS for Latinx businesses. The goal: help micro-and-small entrepreneurs leverage digital tools to grow profits, and retain ownership of essential marketing channel data. The SaaS product is powered by open-source technology, delivering slick tools built by a passionate community.

I contributed to the marketing and website strategy, as well as the technical implementation for the beta product. The MVP beta demo is live, and in the wild. Next up is market testing for further development.

Project details

SaaS | Tech | Startup
Marketing Strategy | Copywriting | Web Design | Technical Implementation

“The MVP has just those features considered sufficient for it to be of value to customers and allow for it to be shipped or sold to early adopters. Customer feedback will inform future development of the product.” ― Scott M. Graffius, Agile Scrum